5-7 Dec 2017 Lyon (France)







C'Nano 2017 - The Nanoscience meeting

December 5, 6, 7

INSA - Lyon

For more than ten years, C’Nano network and its six regional competency centers (C’Nano Grand-Est, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Grand Sud-Ouest, Nord-Ouest et Ile-de-France) promote research and scientific events in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Through its various activities, the C’Nano not only structured a strong French community in this field but has also established international partnerships.

Recently, the CNRS has given a new “UPS” status for the C’Nano, which will enable the network to sustain and enhance its national structuring. This new status creates a national pool of scientific and technological expertise and strengthens interactions between regional research centers. It will therefore set the ground for the development of novel transdisciplinary scientific collaborations that are crucial for the incoming development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

This is a new beginning for C’Nano, which will converge with the first C’Nano Nanoscience meeting to be held in Lyon : C’Nano 2017.

This event, supported by the RENATECH network, the “Club for nanoMetrology” and several research grouping (GDR), will reunite and connect Nanoscience and nanotechnology actors (PhD students, technicians, engineers, researchers). C’Nano 2017 will federate the French scientific community and create novel network dynamics in order to stimulate creativity and the emergence of scientific and technological breakthroughs.


 Submit an abstract: You have until october 22, midnight, to send us your abstract (for a poster or an oral presentation).


The seminar will start on monday, 5th of December at 2 pm. You already can book hotel rooms (for two nigths) from the 5th to the 7th. Indeed, the Lyon Light Festival that begins in the weekend is an international event. We will attend the general rehearsals


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